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scroll什么意思? scroll翻译(中文文):卷轴, 卷形物, 名

怎么读(音标): [skrohl]



1. She carefully unrolled the ancient scroll to reveal its beautiful calligraphy. 她小心地展开古老的卷轴,露出了美丽的书法。

scroll什么意思? scroll翻译(中文文):卷轴, 卷形物, 名

2. I had to scroll through hundreds of emails before I found the one I was looking for. 我不得不在数百封电子邮件中滚动查找我要找的那封。

3. The website's design allows for easy scrolling on both desk and mobile devices. 这个网站的设计能够在桌面和移动设备上轻松滚动。

4. He scrolled through his social media feed absentmindedly, not really paying attention to anything in particular. 他漫不经心地浏览着社交媒体的内容,没有特别关注任何东西。

5. The teacher asked the students to write their names on a scroll and hang it on the classroom wall as a reminder of their goals for the school year. 老师要求学生们把自己的名字写在一张卷轴上,并挂在教室墙壁上,作为新学年目标的提醒。

同义词及用法:parchment (羊皮纸卷轴), roll (卷形物), list (列表), slide (滑动)



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