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satisfy什么意思? satisfy翻译(中文文):满足, 使满意,


satisfy什么意思? satisfy翻译(中文文):满足, 使满意,


1. 满足某人的需求或期望;使满意


1. The company strives to satisfy its customers by providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. (该公司致力于通过提供高质量的产品和优质的客户服务来满足顾客的需求。)

2. I am satisfied with my new job, it has great benefits and a good work-life balance. (我对我的新工作感到满意,它有很多福利和良好的工作生活平衡。)

3. He tried his best to satisfy his parents' expectations, but they were never pleased with his achievements. (他尽力满足父母的期望,但他们从未对他的成就感到满意。)


1. Fulfill: 实现,达成(某人的愿望或要求)

例句:The company's main goal is to fulfill the needs of its customers. (该公司的主要目标是满足顾客的需求。)

2. Gratify: 使高兴,使满足

例句:Winning the competition gratified her desire for recognition and success. (赢得比赛使她得到了认可和成功,让她感到非常高兴。)

3. Content: 满意,知足

例句:She was content with her simple life and didn't desire for material possessions. (她对自己简单的生活感到满意,不渴望物质财富。)

4. Sate: 使充分满足,使过度满足

例句:The all-you-can-eat buffet sated his appetite for food. (无限量的自助餐使他的食欲得到了充分满足。)

5. Quench: 消除(某人的渴望或需求)

例句:Traveling around the world quenched her thirst for adventure and new experiences. (环游世界消除了她对冒险和新体验的渴望。)




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