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satisfactory什么意思? satisfactory翻译(中文文):满意

怎么读(音标): /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/

用法: 形容词,表示符合要求或期望,令人满意的。

satisfactory什么意思? satisfactory翻译(中文文):满意


1. The quality of the product was not satisfactory. (这个产品的质量不令人满意。)

2. The service at this restaurant is always satisfactory. (这家餐厅的服务总是令人满意的。)

3. I hope the outcome of the negotiation will be satisfactory for both parties. (我希望谈判的结果对双方都是令人满意的。)

4. The teacher gave me a satisfactory grade on my project. (老师给了我在项目上一个满意的成绩。)

5. The company's performance this quarter was not satisfactory, and shareholders are concerned. (公司本季度的表现不尽如人意,股东们很担心。)


1. Satisfying: 形容词,表示令人满足或愉悦的。

例句:Eating ice cream on a hot day is so satisfying. (在炎热的一天吃冰淇淋真是太让人满足了。)

2. Adequate: 形容词,表示足够或合适。

例句:The hotel provided adequate amenities for its guests. (这家酒店为客人提供了足够的设施。)

3. Acceptable: 形容词,表示可接受的或符合标准的。

例句:The company's proposal was acceptable to the board of directors. (公司的提议得到了董事会的认可。)

4. Sufficient: 形容词,表示足够的或充分的。

例句:We have sufficient evidence to prove his guilt. (我们有足够的证据证明他有罪。)

5. Satisfactory也可以作为名词使用,表示令人满意的事物。

例句:The project was a satisfactory for both the client and the team. (这个项目对客户和团队来说都是一个令人满意的成果。)




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