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rule out是什么意思,rule out的解释

一:rule out是什么意思,rule out的解释 的意思:

rule out是一个动词短语,指排除或否决某种可能性或选择。它可以表示在考虑后排除某种可能性,也可以表示不允许或不考虑某种选择。

rule out是什么意思,rule out的解释


[ruːl aʊt]


rule out通常用于否定句中,表示排除某种可能性。它可以接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。也可以使用被动语态形式“be ruled out”。


1. The detective quickly ruled out the possibility of and focused on the murder case. (这位侦探很快排除了的可能性,将注意力集中在谋杀案件上。)

2. The doctor has ruled out any serious health problems after conducting a series of tests. (医生经过一系列检查后排除了任何严重的健康问题。)

3. The committee has ruled out the proposal due to budget constraints. (由于预算限制,否决了这项提议。)

4. She was initially considered as a suspect, but later ruled out by the police. (她最初被视为嫌疑人,但后来被排除了。)

5. We cannot rule out the possibility of delays due to bad weather. (由于恶劣的天气,我们不能排除延误的可能性。)


1. eliminate:指通过排除或清除其他选择,确定或找出正确的答案。常用于科学实验、考试等。

e.g. We need to eliminate all the possible causes before we can find the solution. (我们需要排除所有可能的原因,才能找到解决方案。)

2. exclude:指把某物或某人排除在外,不计入考虑范围。

e.g. The invitation excludes children under the age of 12. (邀请函不包括12岁以下的儿童。)

3. dismiss:指对某种想法或说法表示怀疑或不认可。

e.g. The judge dismissed the witness's testimony as unreliable. (认为证人证词不可靠而予以驳回。)


rule out是一个常用的动词短语,表示排除或否决某种可能性或选择。它可以用于否定句中,接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,并且可以使用被动语态形式“be ruled out”。同义词包括eliminate、exclude和dismiss,但它们的用法略有不同。在写作中,可以根据具体情况选择合适的词语来表达排除的意思。


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