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right on是什么意思? right on翻译(中文文):好极了, 对

怎么读(音标):[raɪt ɒn]


right on是什么意思? right on翻译(中文文):好极了, 对


1. Right on! I completely agree with your opinion.(好极了!我完全同意你的观点。)

2. The project is going right on schedule.(这个项目按计划进行。)

3. He always knows the right thing to say at the right time, he's right on.(他总是在合适的时候说出正确的话,他很准确。)

4. Right on, keep up the good work!(干得好,继续保持!)

5. She's always been a right-on feminist, fighting for women's rights.(她一直是一个坚定的女权主义者,为妇女权利而战。)


1. Spot on: 意思与right on相同,也表示准确、正确。

例句:Your answer was spot on, you must have studied hard for the test.

2. On point: 意思与right on相似,也表示准确、恰当。

例句:His analysis of the situation was right on point.

3. On target: 意思与right on类似,也表示准确、精确。

例句:Your prediction was right on target, the stock market did crash.

4. Bang on: 意思与right on相同,也表示准确、恰当。

例句:Your presentation was bang on, you covered all the important points.

5. Dead on: 意思与right on相似,也表示准确、精确。

例句:Her guess was dead on, she must have insider information.


Right on是一种常见的口语表达,通常用来表示赞同或者事情进行顺利。它的同义词有spot on、on point、on target、bang on和dead on等,它们都可以用来表示准确、正确或者恰当。使用时需要注意场合和语境,避免过度使用。


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