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一:rider是什么意思,rider的解释 的意思:rider是一个英语单词,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它指的是骑手、乘客或附加条款;作为动词时,它指的是骑、乘坐或附加。


三:用法:作为名词使用时,可表示“骑手”、“乘客”、“附加条款”等含义。,“The rider on the horse looked confident.”(马上的骑手看起来很自信。)“The insurance policy comes with a rider for accident coverage.”(这份保险单有一条针对意外事故的附加条款。)作为动词使用时,可表示“骑”、“乘坐”、“附加”等含义。,“He rode his bike to work every day.”(他每天都骑自行车去上班。)“She rode the horse gracefully.”(她优雅地骑着马。)



1. The rider on the motorcycle was wearing a helmet for safety. (摩托车上的骑手戴着头盔以确保安全。)

2. The new contract includes a rider that guarantees extra vacation days for employees. (新合同中有一项附加条款,保证员工额外的休假天数。)

3. The children were excited to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park. (孩子们兴奋地坐上游乐园的过山车。)

4. She added a rider to her will, stating that her estate should be donated to charity after her death. (她在遗嘱中加上了一条附加条款,规定在她去世后将她的财产捐赠给慈善。)

5. The horse and its rider galloped across the field, leaving a trail of dust behind them. (马和骑手在田野上飞奔,留下一条尘土飞扬的路线。)

五:同义词及用法:作为名词使用时,rider的同义词包括rider, passenger, traveler等;作为动词使用时,rider的同义词包括ride, mount, board等。



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