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restrict翻译(中文文):限制, 约束, 限定 hellip


restrict翻译(中文文):限制, 约束, 限定 hellip



1. The company has restricted access to sensitive information to only -level executives. 公司已经将敏感信息的获取权限限制给了高层管理人员。

2. The government has imposed strict restrictions on the use of pesticides in order to protect the environment. 为了保护环境,已经对农药的使用实施了严格的限制。

3. The school restricts the use of cell phones during class hours. 学校限制在上课时间使用手机。

4. This diet restricts your daily calorie intake to 1200 calories. 这种饮食方式将每日卡路里摄入量限定在1200卡。

5. The new law aims to restrict the sale of tobacco products to minors. 新法旨在限制向未成年人出售烟草产品。

同义词及用法:limit, confine, restrain, control

limit和restrict都表示对某事物的范围或数量进行限制,但limit更强调数量或程度方面的限制,而restrict则更强调范围方面的限制。,“The company limits employees' vacation days to 10 per year.”(公司将员工每年的休假天数限制在10天),“The government restricts the use of plastic bags in order to reduce pollution.”(限制使用塑料袋以减少污染)。

confine和restrict都可以指对某人或某物的自由或活动进行限制,但confine更强调局限在某一特定范围内,而restrict则更强调对整体的限制。,“The prisoners are confined to their cells for 23 hours a day.”(囚犯每天被限制在牢房里23小时),“The new law restricts smoking in all public places.”(新法规限制在所有公共场所吸烟)。

restrain和restrict都可以指通过力量、规则或法律等手段来或约束某人或某物的行为,但restrain更强调抑制、阻止,而restrict则更强调规定、界定。,“The police had to restrain the angry protesters from entering the government building.”(不得不阻止愤怒的者进入大楼),“The contract restricts the employee from working for a compe for a certain period of time after leaving the company.”(合同规定员工离开公司后一段时间内不能为竞争对手工作)。



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