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restrict是什么意思? restrict翻译(中文文):限制, 约束,



restrict是什么意思? restrict翻译(中文文):限制, 约束,

例句1:The government has imposed strict measures to restrict the spread of the virus. (已经采取严格措施限制病毒的传播。)

例句2:The company restricts its employees from using social media during work hours. (公司限制员工在工作时间使用社交媒体。)

例句3:The new law aims to restrict the use of plastic bags to protect the environment. (新法旨在限制使用塑料袋以保护环境。)

例句4:Parents often try to restrict their children's screen time. (父母经常试图限制孩子的屏幕时间。)

例句5:The contract includes a clause that restricts the employee from working for a compe within two years after leaving the company. (合同中包含一条条款,限制员工在离开公司后两年内为竞争对手工作。)


1. Limit: 指对数量、范围或程度进行约束,可以作名词或动词使用。

例句:We need to limit our expenses this month. (我们这个月需要开支。)

2. Constrain: 常指通过外力或规则来强迫某人做某事,也可指心理上的压力。

例句:The company was constrained by budget cuts. (公司受到预算削减的限制。)

3. Restrain: 指通过或限制来阻止某人或某物做某事。

例句:The police had to restrain the crowd from entering the building. (不得不阻止人群进入建筑物。)

4. Confine: 指将某人或某物局限在一定的范围内,也可指限制自由。

例句:The prisoners were confined to their cells for 23 hours a day. (囚犯每天被关在牢房里23个小时。)




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