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1. savor是指尝到食物或饮料时的滋味、香气和口感。它也可以指对生活中的美好事物的品味和享受。

2. savor通常作为动词使用,意为“品尝”、“享受”。它也可以作为名词使用,表示“滋味”、“香气”、“乐趣”等。

3. 例句1:As soon as I tasted the dish, I could savor the rich flavors of the spices.


4. 例句2:She savored every bite of the delicious cake.


5. 例句3:He savored the moment when he reached the of the mountain and took in the breathtaking view.


6. 例句4:The book is a true masterpiece that should be savored slowly and carefully.


7. 例句5:I always savor my morning coffee before starting my day.



1. savor的读音为/seɪvər/,重音在第二个音节。

2. 作为动词时,savor的过去式和过去分词形式为savored,现在分词形式为savoring。

3. 作为名词时,savor的复数形式为savors。


1. 品尝:He savored the different flavors of the wine.


2. 感受:She savored the warm sunshine on her skin.


3. 欣赏:They savored the beauty of the old architecture.


4. 品味:The chef carefully savored each ingredient before adding it to the dish.


5. 享受:I like to savor a good book with a cup of tea in hand.



1. savory (adj.) 美味的,可口的

2. savorless (adj.) 没有滋味的,无味的

3. savoriness (n.) 美味,可口

4. unsavory (adj.) 不好吃的,令人不快的

5. savoringly (adv.) 品尝地,享受地


1. 品尝:He savored the different flavors of the wine.


2. 感受:She savored the warm sunshine on her skin.


3. 欣赏:They savored the beauty of the old architecture.


4. 品味:The chef carefully savored each ingredient before adding it to the dish.


5. 享受:I like to savor a good book with a cup of tea in hand.


1. Taste: He savored the different flavors of the wine.

2. Experience: She savored the warm sunshine on her skin.

3. Appreciate: They savored the beauty of the old architecture.

4. Relish: The chef carefully savored each ingredient before adding it to the dish.

5. Enjoy: I like to savor a good book with a cup of tea in hand.



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