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recite是什么意思? recite翻译(中文文):背诵, 朗读, 叙


recite是什么意思? recite翻译(中文文):背诵, 朗读, 叙


1. 背诵:指按照一定的顺序或要求将文言或现代文背诵出来。:He recited the poem with great emotion.(他带着强烈的情感背诵了这首诗。)

2. 朗读:指按照一定的语调和节奏将文字表达出来。:She recited the speech in a clear and confident voice.(她用清晰自信的声音朗读了演讲稿。)

3. 叙述:指用口头或书面形式讲述故事、等。:The teacher asked the students to recite a story about their summer vacation.(老师要求学生们叙述一段关于暑假的故事。)


1. He could easily recite all the multiplication tables from one to ten.(他能轻松地背诵从一到十的所有乘法口诀表。)

2. The children took turns to recite their favorite poems in front of the class.(孩子们轮流在班级前朗读自己喜爱的诗歌。)

3. The historian recited the events of the war in great detail.(历史学家详细叙述了战争的。)

4. She can effortlessly recite long passages from Shakespeare's plays.(她能轻松地背诵莎士比亚剧本中的长篇对白。)

5. The actor recited his lines perfectly in the audition.(演员在试镜时完美地朗读了他的台词。)


1. Repeat:重复,指重复说出或做出相同的事情。:The teacher asked the students to repeat after her.(老师要求学生跟着她重复。)

2. Memorize:记忆,指将信息或知识存储在大脑中以备将来使用。:She easily memorized all the vocabulary words for the test.(她轻松地记住了考试的所有单词。)

3. Recollect:回忆,指回顾过去的经历或。:He tried to recollect the details of the accident.(他试图回忆起事故的细节。)




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