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reciprocation什么意思? reciprocation翻译(中文文):互


reciprocation什么意思? reciprocation翻译(中文文):互


英 [rɪˌsɪprəˈkeɪʃn] 美 [rɪˌsɪproʊˈkeɪʃn]


1. Reciprocation作为名词时,常用于“in reciprocation”、“in return for”的结构中。:“She showed kindness to me, and I wanted to do something in reciprocation.”(她对我很友善,我想要回报她。)

2. Reciprocation也可以作为动词使用,意为“回报”。:“He reciprocated her love by proposing to her.”(他通过向她求婚来回报她的爱。)


1. They have a mutual understanding and always act with reciprocation.(他们有着相互理解,并且总是以回报行动。)

2. In a healthy relationship, there should be equal amounts of give and take, or reciprocation.(在一段健康的关系中,应该有相同数量的付出和回报,或者说是互惠。)

3. He felt a sense of obligation to reciprocate her kindness.(他感到有义务回报她的好意。)

4. She showed no reciprocation for his love and efforts.(她对他的爱和付出没有任何回应。)

5. The two countries have established a system of economic reciprocation to promote trade and cooperation.(这两个已建立起一种经济互惠制度,以促进贸易和合作。)


1. Return:作为名词时,意为“回报”,常用于“in return for”的结构中。:“I want to do something in return for your help.”(我想要为你的帮助做点什么回报。)

2. Exchange:作为动词时,意为“交换”,常用于“exchange for”的结构中。:“They exchanged gifts as a sign of friendship.”(他们交换礼物作为友谊的象征。)

3. Reciprocity:作为名词时,意为“互惠”,常用于“in reciprocity”、“reciprocity agreement”的结构中。:“The two countries signed a reciprocity agreement to promote cultural exchange.”(这两个签署了一项互惠协议,以促进文化交流。)


Reciprocation是一个描述人与人之间相互给予或回应行为的名词,在英语中通常用于形容两个或多个人之间的互动关系。它可以作为名词或动词使用,常用于“in reciprocation”、“in return for”、“exchange for”等结构中。与其近义词包括return、exchange和reciprocity。在写作时,我们应该注意使用正确的语境和结构,以免造成歧义。


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