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1. sacred是形容词,意为“神圣的;的;庄严的”。:The temple is a sacred place for worship.(这座寺庙是一个供奉祭祀的神圣场所。)

2. sacred的读音为/sˈeɪkred/,音标为[ˈseɪkrɪd]。

3. 用例:

(1)The sacred book is the foundation of our faith.(这本圣书是我们信仰的基础。)

(2)The ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River was a sacred gift from the gods.(古埃及人认为尼罗河是神灵赐予的神圣礼物。)

(3)The sacred ritual was performed by the high priest in front of the altar.(高级祭司在祭坛前进行了神圣的仪式。)

(4)In some cultures, certain animals are considered to be sacred and are not allowed to be hunted or eaten.(在某些文化中,某些动物被认为是神圣的,不允许捕猎或食用。)

(5)The sacred music filled the church with a sense of peace and tranquility.(那首音乐让教堂充满了平静与宁静的氛围。)

4. 组词:sacredness (n.) 神圣性;sacredly (adv.) 神圣地;sacredness (adj.) 神圣的;sacredly (n.) 神圣性。

5. sacred是形容词,意为“神圣的;的;庄严的”。sacred的同义词包括:holy, divine, blessed, consecrated等。反义词包括:profane, secular, unholy等。

6. 总结:sacred是一个形容词,用来形容与或神灵相关的事物,具有神圣、庄严的含义。它可以用来形容物体、地方、仪式、信仰等,也可以用来指某种特殊的崇拜或尊重。在语言表达中,我们常常会使用sacred来强调某种东西具有特殊的意义和价值,以及需要受到尊重和保护。


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