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1. sabotage是指蓄意破坏或阻碍某项计划、活动或进程的行为。这种行为通常是出于敌意或动机,旨在给对方造成损失或不利影响。:The company suspects sabotage in the recent power outage.(公司怀疑最近的停电是蓄意破坏所致。)

2. sabotage的用法:作为名词,sabotage可以指具体的行为,也可以泛指任何形式的破坏活动。作为动词,sabotage表示实施破坏行为。:The protesters attempted to sabotage the construction site by setting fire to the equipment.(者试图通过放火破坏建筑工地的设备。)

3. sabotage的读音读法:[ˈsæbətɑːʒ]。

4. sabotage的用例:

(1)The rebels used explosives to sabotage the government's oil pipeline.


(2)The hacker group launched a cyber attack to sabotage the company's computer system.


(3)The spy was caught trying to sabotage military operations.


(4)The workers went on strike as a form of sabotage against the company's unfair labor practices.


(5)The artist used her platform to sabotage the government's policies on immigration.


5. sabotage的组词:sabotagee (受害者), sabotager (实施破坏行为者), sabotagist (支持者), saboteur (破坏者).

6. sabotage的中英文对照:


英文:sabotage, undermine, obstruct

7. 总结:sabotage是一种敌意或动机下的蓄意破坏行为,旨在给对方造成损失或不利影响。作为名词时可指具体行为或泛指任何形式的破坏活动,作为动词时表示实施破坏行为。其组词有sabotagee、sabotager、sabotagist和saboteur。在使用时要注意避免对他人或物品造成损害,并遵守法律规定。


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