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1.selection是指从一组或多组对象中挑选出符合特定条件的对象。:The selection process for the job was very competitive.(这个工作的选拔过程非常激烈。)

2.selection也可以指选择出的对象或人员。:The selection of candidates for the position was based on their qualifications and experience.(这个职位的候选人选择是基于他们的资格和经验。)

3.selection还可以指从一组可供选择的东西中挑选出最佳或最合适的一个。:The selection of a wedding dress can be a difficult decision for a bride.(新娘挑选婚纱可能是一个困难的决定。)




1. The store has a great selection of shoes.


2. The team is in the process of making their final selection for the competition.


3. The university has strict criteria for the selection of its students.


4. The book club will have a book selection meeting next week to choose their next read.


5. The selection of fruits at the market was very fresh and diverse.



1. careful selection (慎重选择)

2. random selection (随机选择)

3. wide selection (广泛选择)

4. limited selection (有限选择)

5. natural selection (自然选择)


1. selection: 从一组或多组对象中挑选出符合特定条件的对象

2. competitive: 竞争激烈的

3. candidate: 候选人

4. qualification: 资格

5. experience: 经验

6. wedding dress: 婚纱

7. difficult decision: 困难的决定

8. store: 商店

9. criteria: 标准

10.fruit: 水果



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