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1. safety是指人们在生活和工作中所遇到的安全问题。,我们需要确保在家里使用电器时遵循正确的操作步骤,以避免发生火灾或电击事故。

2. safety的用法和例句读音读法:safety的读音为/ˈseɪfti/,是一个名词。

3. safety是指防止危险或伤害的措施。,我们应该遵守交通规则,穿戴安全帽等来保证交通安全。


1. Always remember to wear a helmet for your own safety while riding a bike.


2. The company has implemented strict safety guidelines to prevent accidents in the workplace.


3. It is important to prioritize the safety of our employees by providing them with proper training and equipment.


4. The government has launched a new campaign to raise awareness about fire safety in residential areas.


5. Safety should always be the priority when conducting any kind of experiment in the laboratory.


4. safety是指保护人们免受伤害的措施或条件。,我们可以通过安装防盗来保障家庭的安全。


1. The safety of our children is of utmost importance, which is why we have installed security cameras around our house.


2. The airline has strict safety regulations in place to ensure the well-being of its passengers.


3. We must take all necessary safety precautions while handling hazardous materials.


4. The construction site has been shut down temporarily due to concerns about the safety of the workers.


5. Safety measures such as wearing a seatbelt and obeying traffic signals can greatly reduce the risk of car accidents.


5. safety是指保护人们免受伤害的状态或感觉。,在家中放松身心时,我们会感到安全和舒适。


1. The child clung to his mother's hand, feeling a sense of safety and security.


2. The safety of our loved ones is something we constantly worry about.


3. The presence of a lifeguard at the pool gave the swimmers a sense of safety.


4. After a long day at work, I find comfort and safety in the familiar surroundings of my home.


5. The therapist created a safe space for her patients to share their feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment or harm.


6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:safety是指防止危险或伤害的措施、保护人们免受伤害的措施或条件以及保护人们免受伤害的状态或感觉。在生活和工作中,我们需要注意并遵守各种安全措施来保证自己和他人的安全。,遵守交通规则、佩戴安全装备、使用防盗等都是为了保障我们的安全。同时,安全也是一种感觉,我们可以通过营造舒适的环境和提供支持来帮助他人感受到安全。总之,safety在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,它不仅仅是一个词汇,更是一种意识和责任。


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