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put into是什么意思,put into的解释

一:put into是什么意思,put into的解释的意思是将某物放入或投入某地点或状态中。它可以表示将某物放置在某个容器中,也可以表示将某物投入到某种活动或状态中。

二:怎么读(音标),put into的音标为 [pʊt ˈɪntuː]。

put into是什么意思,put into的解释

三:用法,put into多用作及物动词,它可以接受一个宾语和一个介词短语作为补语。:put something into something,put something into a state。


1. She put the books into the box. 她把书放进了盒子里。

2. He put his hand into his pocket and took out some coins. 他把手伸进口袋里拿出了一些硬币。

3. The teacher put the students into groups for the project. 老师把学生分成小组进行项目。

4. The company has put a lot of effort and resources into developing this new product. 公司投入了大量精力和资源来开发这款新产品。

5. The government is planning to put more money into education next year. 计划明年在教育方面投入更多资金。

五:同义词及用法,与put into意思相近的动词还有place、insert、add等。:

1. She placed the books into the box. 她把书放进了盒子里。

2. He inserted his hand into his pocket and took out some coins. 他把手伸进口袋里拿出了一些硬币。

3. The teacher added students to the group for the project. 老师把学生加入小组进行项目。

六:编辑总结,put into是一个常用的动词短语,它可以表示将某物放置在某处或投入到某种状态中。它的用法简单明了,但需要注意动词后面的介词短语,以确保句子表达准确。同时,我们也可以根据需要选择更合适的同义词来替换使用。


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