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put down是什么意思,put down的解释

一:put down的意思是放下,放置,写下,记录等。

put down是什么意思,put down的解释

二:怎么读(音标) put down [pʊt daʊn]

三:用法 put down作为动词时,常用于表示把某物从手中放下或者放置在某个地方。同时也可以表示写下、记录或者记下某事物。此外,还可以表示压制、、打倒等含义。作为名词时,则表示贬低、羞辱的言论或行为。


1. Please put down your phone and pay attention to the teacher. 请把你的手机放下,专心听老师讲课。

2. He put down his cup on the table and stood up. 他把杯子放在桌子上站了起来。

3. Don't forget to put down your thoughts in your diary every day. 别忘了每天把你的想法记录在日记里。

4. The government decided to put down the rebellion by sending in troops. 决定派叛乱。

5. His constant put downs made her lose confidence in herself. 他不断的贬低让她失去了自信心。


1. Settle: 指将某物安置在特定位置或状态,并使其保持稳定;也可指解决问题或结束争论。:Please settle the vase on the shelf. 请把花瓶放置在架子上。They finally settled their differences and became friends again. 他们最终解决了分歧,重新成为朋友。

2. Record: 指将信息或数据写下或记录下来。:Don't forget to record your expenses in the spreadsheet. 别忘了把你的花费记录在电子表格里。

3. Suppress: 指通过强力手段压制或某事物。:The government tried to suppress the news of the protest. 试图掩盖的消息。

4. Humiliate: 指用言语或行为羞辱或使某人感到丢脸。:She was humiliated by her boss in front of her colleagues. 她被老板当着同事的面羞辱。

5. Belittle: 指故意贬低或轻视某人或某事物,使其显得不重要。:He always belittles his colleagues' achievements to make himself look better. 他总是贬低同事们的成就来凸显自己。


put down是一个多义词,既可以作为动词表示放下、放置、写下等含义,也可以作为名词表示贬低、羞辱的言论或行为。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到put down这个词,因此掌握其不同含义及用法可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。同时,还可以通过使用同义词来丰富语言表达,避免重复使用同一个词汇。


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