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1. short的意思是指长度不长,高度不高,或者时间不长的。通常用来形容物体的尺寸或者时间的长度。

2. short的读音为/ʃɔːrt/,音标为英式英语中的[ɔː]和美式英语中的[ɑː]相同,都是长元音。发音时,舌头放平,嘴巴张开,发出“sh”和“or”两个音节。

3. short作为形容词时,可以表示以下几种意思:

- 长度不够:The skirt is too short for her.

- 身高矮小:He is quite short for his age.

- 时间短暂:We had a short break during the meeting.

- 缺少:We are short of staff at the moment.

- 简短的:Can you give me a short summary of the report?

4. 以下是short在句子中的用例:

- The teacher asked us to write a short essay about our summer vacation.


- I'm sorry, but I have to make this meeting short, I have another appointment.


- We are running short of time, we need to hurry up and finish this project.


- She has a very short temper, so be careful what you say to her.


- The dress is too short, I think you should get a bigger size.


5. 以下是short的一些常用搭配词:

- short hair (短发)

- short story (短篇小说)

- short break (短暂休息)

- short notice (提前通知时间很短)

- short circuit (短路)

6. 总结:short作为形容词时,可以表示长度不够、身高矮小、时间短暂、缺少和简短等意思。它的读音为/ʃɔːrt/,发音时舌头放平,嘴巴张开,发出“sh”和“or”两个音节。在句子中可以作为形容词使用,并且常与hair、story、break、notice和circuit等词搭配。


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