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- The TV series has gained a lot of popularity among young viewers.


- The company has launched a new series of smartphones.



- The concert series will feature performances from various artists.


- The detective series has been running for over 10 seasons.



- This car belongs to the luxury series of the brand.


- The books in this series are all about different historical events.



- He is known for his series of successful business ventures.


- This is just the first in a series of challenges we will face.




- The TV series is released on a weekly basis.


- The company's new product series covers a wide range of prices.


- I'm looking forward to the next installment of the book series.


- This is part of a larger series of experiments.


- The artist has created a series of paintings depicting different seasons.



- in a series (连续地)

- a series of events (一连串)

- a series finale (最后一集)

- TV series (电视剧)

- book series (书籍系列)

8.series 的中英文对照:

| 中文 | 英文 |

| ---- | ---- |

| 系列 | series |

| 一连串 | a series of |

| 连续地 | in a series |

| 最后一集 | series finale |

| 电视剧 | TV series |

9.总结:series是指一系列相关的事物或,可以用作名词或形容词。它可以指连续的、活动或节目,也可以指一组相似的事物或人物。其读音为['sɪəri:z],重音在第二个音节上。常用短语有in a series、a series of等。在日常生活中,我们经常会接触到各种不同类型的series,如电视剧、书籍系列、产品系列等。通过对series的理解,我们可以更好地把握和理解这些相关事物,并且能够更准确地使用它们。


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