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play on是什么意思,play on的翻译,play on音标、读音、用

一:play on是什么意思,play on的翻译,play on音标、读音、用的意思

play on是什么意思,play on的翻译,play on音标、读音、用

Play on是一个动词短语,其主要含义为“继续玩耍”、“继续进行”、“继续表演”等。在不同的语境中,它也可以有其他的含义,如“利用某事物取乐”、“玩弄某人”等。它可以被当作及物动词使用,也可以作为不及物动词使用。

Play on的翻译可以根据具体语境来确定,一般可以翻译为“继续玩耍”、“持续进行”、“延续下去”等。,在戏剧或电影中,我们常会看到这样的字幕:“Play on”,意为“接着演下去”。

Play on的音标为 [pleɪ ɒn],读音为/play ɒn/。


Play on 的音标为 [pleɪ ɒn],读音为/play ɒn/。


1. Play on作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,表示“玩弄某人”。:

- He was just playing on her emotions.

- She is always playing on his insecurities.

2. Play on也可作不及物动词使用,后面不需要接宾语,表示“继续进行”、“延续下去”。:

- The game will play on until someone wins.

- The concert will play on despite the rain.

3. Play on也可以表示“利用某事物取乐”、“玩弄某事物”。:

- They were playing on the swings in the park.

- He was playing on his phone instead of doing his homework.

4. Play on还可以表示“戏弄”、“开玩笑”。:

- Don't take him seriously, he's just playing on you.

- She's just playing on your fears.

5. Play on也可以指“继续表演”,特别是在戏剧或电影中。:

- The actors played on despite the technical difficulties.

- The show must go on, they say.


1. He loves to play on people's emotions and manipulate them for his own benefit. (他喜欢玩弄人们的情绪,为自己谋取利益。)

2. The game will play on until one team reaches 100 points. (游戏将会持续进行,直到有一支队伍得到100分。)

3. She always plays on her phone during class, instead of paying attention to the teacher. (她总是在课堂上玩手机,而不是听老师讲课。)

4. Don't let them play on your fears, they are just trying to scare you. (不要让他们戏弄你的恐惧,他们只是想吓唬你。)

5. The show must go on, no matter what happens. (无论发生什么事情,演出都必须继续。)


1. Continue:表示“继续”、“持续”,语气比play on更加正式。

2. Carry on:表示“继续进行”、“坚持下去”,常用于口语中。

3. Keep going:表示“继续前进”、“坚持下去”,也常用于口语中。

4. Go on:表示“接着做某事”、“延续下去”,也可以指“说话”。

5. Persist:表示“坚持不懈”、“持之以恒”。


Play on是一个多义词,可以作及物动词或不及物动词使用,其主要含义为“继续玩耍”、“延续下去”。它还可以指“利用某事物取乐”、“玩弄某人”,以及在戏剧或电影中的“接着表演”。在具体使用时,需要根据语境来确定其意思。同时,还可以使用一些同义词来替换,如continue、carry on、keep going等。


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