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peter是什么意思? peter翻译(中文文):逐渐消失 hellip

一:peter是什么意思? peter翻译(中文文):逐渐消失 hellip 的意思是指慢慢地消失或减少,逐渐变得不明显或不重要。

peter是什么意思? peter翻译(中文文):逐渐消失 hellip

二:怎么读(音标): peter的发音为/ˈpiːtər/。



1. The sun slowly petered out as the day turned into night. (太阳在日落时慢慢消失。)

2. His enthusiasm for the project gradually petered out as he faced more challenges. (面对越来越多的挑战,他对这个项目的热情逐渐消退。)

3. The crowd's cheers petered out as the team lost the game. (球队输掉比赛后,人群的欢呼声逐渐消散。)

4. The river peters out before reaching the sea, leaving behind a small stream. (这条河在流入大海前就干涸了,只留下一条小溪。)

5. His hopes for a promotion slowly petered out as his performance declined. (随着他表现下降,晋升的希望也慢慢消失了。)

五:同义词及用法:peter的同义词包括fade, diminish, dwindle, wane等,都表示逐渐消失或减少。:

1. The memories of their childhood slowly faded away. (他们童年的回忆慢慢消失了。)

2. Her interest in painting diminished as she grew older. (随着年龄增长,她对绘画的兴趣减少了。)

3. The company's profits have dwindled in recent years. (近年来,公司的利润不断减少。)

4. The moon's light waned as it moved behind the clouds. (月光被云层遮挡而变得暗淡。)



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