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notional什么意思? notional翻译(中文文):概念的, 想象

读音: [noh-shuh-nl]



1. The idea of a uian society is purely notional and does not reflect reality.

notional什么意思? notional翻译(中文文):概念的, 想象


2. In her mind, she had a notional image of what her dream house would look like.


3. The concept of time is notional, it is something we created to make sense of our lives.


4. His understanding of the subject was notional, he had no practical experience.


5. The company's profits were based on notional figures rather than actual sales.



1. Conceptual: related to concepts or ideas, similar to notional in meaning and usage.

2. Imaginary: existing only in the imagination, often used interchangeably with notional in describing something that is not real or tangible.

3. Theoretical: based on theory rather than practical experience, often used to describe something that is hypothetical or speculative.

4. Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence, similar to notional in meaning but often used to describe something that is difficult to grasp or understand.

5. Speculative: based on conjecture or guesswork, similar to notional in meaning but often used in a more negative context.




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