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partial shipment是什么意思? partial shipment翻译(中文

partial shipment是指在一个订单中,只有部分商品被发货的情况。这种情况通常发生在商业交易中,因为某些原因,无法一次性将所有商品都发货,所以只能分批发货。partial shipment也可以简称为partial。

怎么读(音标):[ˈpɑːʃl ˈʃɪpmənt]

partial shipment是什么意思? partial shipment翻译(中文

用法:partial shipment通常用于商业合同和运输文件中。在合同中,可以明确规定哪些商品属于partial shipment,并且需要说明每个partial shipment的数量、时间和运输方式等信息。在运输文件中,也需要注明哪些商品属于partial shipment,并且需要提供相应的跟踪号码。

例句1:The supplier informed us that there will be a partial shipment of the goods due to the delay in production.


例句2:According to the contract, the buyer has the right to reject any partial shipment if it does not meet the required specifications.


例句3:We received a partial shipment of the order yesterday, and we are expecting the rest of the goods to arrive next week.


例句4:The shipping company is responsible for tracking and delivering all partial shipments to the designated locations.


例句5:The seller agreed to provide a discount for the delay in the partial shipment of the goods.


同义词及用法:partial shipment的同义词包括partial delivery、partial load、split shipment等。在商业合同和运输文件中,这些术语可以互换使用。

编辑总结:partial shipment是指在商业交易中,由于某些原因,只能将部分商品进行发货的情况。它通常出现在合同和运输文件中,并且需要提供相关的信息和跟踪号码。其同义词有partial delivery、partial load、split shipment等,可以互换使用。


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