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1. committed的意思是指忠诚的,坚定的,献身的。在词典行业中,committed通常用来形容一个人对某件事情或某个人具有非常强烈的信念和承诺,表示他们会全力以赴去完成某项任务或保持某种关系。

2. committed的用法和例句读音读法


3. committed的意思是什么?committed的用法和例句的用例

例句1:He is a committed environmentalist and has been actively involved in various conservation projects.


例句2:She is committed to her job and works tirelessly to achieve her goals.


例句3:The company has a team of committed employees who are dedicated to providing the best services to their customers.


例句4:I am fully committed to this project and will do whatever it takes to make it successful.


例句5:The committed couple exchanged their vows in a beautiful ceremony.


4. committed的意思是什么?committed的用法和例句组词

- committedly (adv. 忠实地,坚定地)

- commitment (n. 承诺,奉献)

- uncommitted (adj. 未承诺的,未决定的)

- non-committal (adj. 不表态的,含糊其辞的)

- recommit (v. 再次委托,再次承诺)

5. committed的意思是什么?committed的用法和例句的中英文对照

- 忠诚的;坚定的;献身的 - loyal; steadfast; devoted

- 承诺;奉献 - commitment; dedication

- /kəˈmɪtɪd/ - /kəˈmɪtɪd/

- 他是一名忠实的环保主义者并积极参与各种保护项目。 - He is a committed environmentalist and has been actively involved in various conservation projects.

- 她对工作非常投入,并不知疲倦地努力实现自己的目标。 - She is committed to her job and works tirelessly to achieve her goals.

- 公司拥有一支忠于职守、致力于为客户提供最佳服务的团队。 - The company has a team of committed employees who are dedicated to providing the best services to their customers.

- 我对这个项目完全投入,并将不遗余力使其成功。 - I am fully committed to this project and will do whatever it takes to make it successful.

- 这对热恋中的夫妻在一场美丽的仪式上交换了誓言。 - The committed couple exchanged their vows in a beautiful ceremony.



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