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palaestra 体育学校 摔跤场 角力学校 详细

一:palaestra 体育学校 摔跤场 角力学校的意思是指古希腊和罗马时期的体育学校,主要用于训练运动员参加摔跤和角力比赛。

palaestra 体育学校 摔跤场 角力学校 详细

二:怎么读(音标):palaestra [pəˈliːstrə]



1. The palaestra was the center of physical education and sporting events in ancient Greece.(在古希腊,palaestra是体育教育和运动比赛的中心。)

2. The young athletes trained in the palaestra to prepare for the Olympic Games.(年轻运动员在palaestra训练,为参加奥林匹克运动会做准备。)

3. The palaestra was not only a place for physical training, but also a place for social and intellectual activities.(palaestra不仅仅是身体训练的场所,也是社交和智力活动的场所。)

4. The ruins of the palaestra can still be seen in some parts of Greece and Italy.(palaestra的遗址仍然可以在希腊和意大利的一些地方看到。)

5. The palaestra was an important institution in ancient Rome, where young men were trained in physical and mental discipline.(在古罗马,palaestra是一所重要的,年轻人在这里接受身心训练。)

五:同义词及用法:gymnasium、training school、athletic academy



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