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Oxford English Dictionary是什么意思,Oxford English Dic

一:Oxford English Dictionary是什么意思,Oxford English Dic的意思

Oxford English Dictionary是什么意思,Oxford English Dic

Oxford English Dictionary (简称OED) 是一部英语词典,由牛津大学出版社出版。它是目前世界上最权威的英语词典,收录了超过18万个单词和短语,包括各种变体、用法、例句和来源信息。OED不仅是一部普通的词典,更是一部具有历史价值的文化百科全书。


Oxford English Dictionary的音标为/ˈɒksfəd ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈdɪkʃənri/。




1. The word "dictionary" can be traced back to the Latin word "dictio", meaning "word". (“Dictionary”一词可以追溯到拉丁语“dictio”,意为“单词”。)

2. The Oxford English Dictionary is constantly updated to reflect the ever-evolving nature of the English language. (牛津英语词典不断更新,以反映英语语言的不断变化。)

3. The OED is often used by linguists, writers, and language enthusiasts as a reliable source of information. (语言学家、作家和语言爱好者经常使用OED作为可靠的信息来源。)

4. The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was published in 1884 after 70 years of compilation. (第一版牛津英语词典于1884年出版,经过70年的编纂。)

5. The Oxford English Dictionary has been translated into many languages, including Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic. (牛津英语词典已被翻译成多种语言,包括中文、西班牙文和文。)


1. Lexicon (n.) - a collection of words and phrases; a vocabulary (字典;词汇表)

2. Thesaurus (n.) - a book that lists words with similar or related meanings (同义词词典)

3. Glossary (n.) - a list of terms and their definitions in a particular subject or field (术语表;专业用语表)

4. Encyclopedia (n.) - a book or set of books containing articles on various ics, usually arranged alphabetically (百科全书)

5. Reference book (n.) - a book intended to provide information quickly and easily (参考书)


Oxford English Dictionary是一部具有历史价值的英语词典,它不仅收录了大量的单词和短语,还提供了详细的定义、用法、例句和来源信息。它是学习英语和了解英语文化的重要工具,也是研究英语语言的权威参考书。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解OED,并在日常使用中发挥其作用。


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