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1. aerials是指天线,是一种用来接收或发送无线电信号的装置。在词典中,aerials通常作为名词使用。

2. aerials的读音为/ˈɛəriəlz/,其中第一个音节发音与单词"air"相同,第二个音节发音与单词"real"相同,最后一个音节发音与单词"s"相同。

3. 用例:

- The TV station installed new aerials on their roof to improve their signal.


- The military uses aerials to communicate with their troops in remote areas.


- The radio station's aerials were damaged in the storm, causing a disruption in their broadcast.


- The drone's aerials allowed it to capture stunning aerial footage of the city.


- The satellite's powerful aerials can transmit signals across continents.


4. 组词:

- Aerial photography (航拍)

- Aerial view (鸟瞰图)

- Aerial combat (空战)

- Aerial survey (空中测量)

- Aerialist (空中演员)

5. 中英文对照:

aerials - 天线

correctly use - 正确使用



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