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quick decision是什么意思?

1. quick decision是指在短时间内做出的决定,通常是基于个人或团队的判断和经验,而不需要经过长时间的思考和分析。

2. quick decision的读音为[kwɪk dɪˈsɪʒən],其中quick发音为[kwɪk],decision发音为[dɪˈsɪʒən]。

3. quick decision的用例:

例句1:The CEO made a quick decision to invest in the new project.

例句2:In times of crisis, it is important to make quick decisions.

例句3:Her ability to make quick decisions under pressure is what makes her a great leader.

例句4:The team's success can be attributed to their quick decision-making skills.

例句5:He regretted not making a quick decision when he had the chance.

4. quick decision的组词:

- make a quick decision (做出快速决定)

- reach a quick decision (达成快速决定)

- prompt decision (迅速决定)

- decisive action (果断行动)

- snap judgment (一拍即合的判断)

5. quick decision的中英文对照:


英文:quick decision



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