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1. crypt是什么意思?


a. 一种解释是指“地下室”或者“地下室的小房间”。这个意思通常用于描述建筑物中的一个隐蔽空间,:The old castle has a secret crypt under its main hall.(这座古堡的主厅下面有一个秘密的地下室。)

b. 另一种解释是指“密室”或者“秘密房间”。这个意思通常用于描述一个被隐藏起来的房间或者空间,:The spy hid the stolen documents in a secret crypt beneath the floorboards.(那个把偷来的文件藏在了地板下面的一个秘密密室里。)

2. crypt是什么意思?读音读法


3. crypt是什么意思?用例

1) The ancient church had a crypt where the remains of important religious figures were buried.


2) The treasure hunters searched every nook and cranny of the castle, hoping to find a hidden crypt.


3) The family used the crypt beneath their house as a storage space for old furniture and belongings.


4) The detective discovered a secret crypt in the suspect's house, filled with evidence of his crimes.


5) The crypt was said to be haunted by the spirits of those who were buried there, making it a popular spot for g hunters.


4. crypt是什么意思?组词

- cryptic(形容词):神秘的,难以理解的

- encrypt(动词):加密,编码

- decrypt(动词):解密,破译

- cryptography(名词):密码学

- cryptozoology(名词):神秘动物学

5. crypt是什么意思?中英文对照


英文:crypt;secret room;tomb;hidden chamber



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