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1. blindfold是什么意思?的解释:


2. blindfold是什么意思?读音读法:


3. blindfold是什么意思?的用例:

- The kidnappers blindfolded the victim before taking him to their hideout.(绑匪们在把受害者带到他们的藏身处之前先给他蒙上了眼罩。)

- In this game, players are required to be blindfolded and use their other senses to complete tasks.(在这个游戏中,玩家需要被蒙上眼罩,并利用其他感官来完成任务。)

- The magician's assistant was able to escape from the ropes while being blindfolded.(魔术师的助手在被蒙上眼罩的情况下成功挣脱了绳索。)

- The teacher used a blindfold to cover the students' eyes and asked them to guess which object they were touching.(老师用眼罩遮住学生的眼睛,让他们猜测自己正在触摸的物体是什么。)

- The prisoner was blindfolded during the execution to prevent him from seeing his own death.(囚犯在处决时被蒙上眼罩,以防止他看到自己的死亡。)

4. blindfold是什么意思?组词:

- blindfolded (动词过去式/过去分词)

- blindfolding (动词现在分词/现在分词短语)

- blindfolds (名词复数形式)

5. blindfold是什么意思?的中英文对照:

blindfold - 眼罩

blindfolded - 被蒙上眼罩的

blindfolding - 蒙住眼睛

blindfolds - 眼罩(复数形式)



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