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1. berry是指一种水果,通常具有小型、圆形、多汁的特点,可以生吃或制作成果酱、果汁等食用。

2. berry的读音为[bɛri],是一个单词,发音时舌头要卷起来,发出轻微的“r”音。

3. 用例:

- The strawberry is a type of berry that is loved by many people for its sweet and juicy taste.(草莓是一种被很多人喜爱的水果,因为它甜美多汁的口感。)

- Blueberries are considered a superfood because they are packed with antioxidants and other nutrients.(蓝莓被认为是超级食物,因为它们富含抗氧化剂和其他营养物质。)

- Raspberries are often used in desserts such as pies, cakes, and ice cream.(覆盆子经常被用于制作馅饼、蛋糕和冰淇淋等甜点。)

- Blackberries grow wild in many parts of the world and can be eaten fresh or used in jams and jellies.(黑莓在世界上许多地方都可以野生生长,并且可以新鲜食用或用于制作果酱和果冻。)

- Cranberries are often consumed during Thanksgiving in the form of cranberry sauce or juice.(在感恩节期间,人们通常会食用蔓越莓酱或果汁。)

4. 组词:

- strawberry(草莓)

- blueberry(蓝莓)

- raspberry(覆盆子)

- blackberry(黑莓)

- cranberry(蔓越莓)

5. berry的中英文对照:

- 英文:berry




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