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off duty什么意思? off duty翻译(中文文):下班 hellip

【一】off duty指某人不在工作状态,不处于上班时间的状态。通常指工作结束后的休息时间,也可以指某人不在执行职责的状态。

off duty什么意思? off duty翻译(中文文):下班 hellip

【二】读音:/ɒf ˈdjuːti/

【三】用法:off duty是一个短语,可以作为形容词或副词使用。作为形容词时,可以放在名词之前,表示某人不在工作状态。:He was off duty when the accident happened. (事故发生时他已下班) 作为副词时,放在动词后面,表示某人停止工作或休息。:After work, he likes to relax and be off duty. (下班后,他喜欢放松休息)

【四】例句:1. The store is closed because the employees are off duty. (商店关门了,因为员工都下班了)

2\. The doctor was off duty when the patient arrived at the hospital. (患者到达医院时医生已下班)

3\. I can't help you with your project right now, I'm off duty. (我现在无法帮你完成项目,我已经下班了)

4\. The police officer was off duty and not in uniform when he witnessed the crime. (当时不是上班时间,并且没有穿制服,在目击犯罪现场)

5\. The flight attendant was off duty and enjoying her vacation in Hawaii. (空乘人员已下班,并在夏威夷度假)

【五】同义词及用法:off duty的同义词包括not working, not on duty, not at work等。:The security guard is not working tonight. (保安今晚不上班)

【六】编辑总结:off duty是一个常用的短语,通常指某人不在工作状态的状态。它可以作为形容词或副词使用,表达某人不在执行职责或休息的状态。同义词有not working, not on duty等。


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