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now that什么意思? now that翻译(中文文):既然 hellip

怎么读(音标):[naʊ ðæt]

用法:now that是一个连接词,用于引导一个从句,表示“既然”,“由于”,“因为”等意思。

例句1:Now that you have finished your homework, you can go out and play. (既然你已经完成了作业,你可以出去玩了。)

now that什么意思? now that翻译(中文文):既然 hellip

例句2:Now that the weather is nice, we should go for a picnic. (现在天气很好,我们应该去野餐。)

例句3:Now that she has a job, she can afford to buy a new car. (既然她有工作了,她就能买得起一辆新车。)

例句4:Now that I have your attention, let me explain the plan in detail. (既然我吸引了你的注意力,让我详细解释一下这个计划。)

例句5:Now that we have graduated, we can finally start our own business. (既然我们毕业了,我们终于可以开始自己的事业了。)

同义词及用法:since, because, as

编辑总结:now that是一个常用的连接词,在从句中起到引导作用,表示原因或条件关系。在口语和书面语中都可以使用,通常放在从句的开头位置。需要注意的是,在使用now that时要注意主从句的时态一致性。


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