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now and then是什么意思,now and then的解释 - 英汉

now and then是一个英语短语,意思是偶尔,有时候。它可以用来表示某件事情发生的不确定性,或者某件事情发生的频率不高,但仍然会发生。这个短语可以用在口语和书面语中,常见于日常交流和文学作品中。

now and then是什么意思,now and then的解释 - 英汉


now [naʊ] ;and [ænd];then [ðen]


now and then是一个固定搭配词组,不能拆开使用。它通常用来表示某件事情偶尔发生的频率。在句子中一般放在句首或句尾。:Now and then, I like to take a break from work. (我偶尔喜欢休息一下工作)。


1. Now and then, she would look up from her book and stare out the window. (她偶尔会从书上抬起头望向窗外)

2. I only see my old classmates now and then at reunions. (我只在聚会时偶尔见到我的老同学们)

3. Now and then, he would remember the good times they had together. (他偶尔会想起他们一起度过的美好时光)

4. We used to go on road trips now and then when we were younger. (我们年轻时经常会去旅行)

5. She still thinks of him now and then, even though they broke up years ago. (虽然他们分手多年了,她偶尔还是会想起他)


1. Occasionally:意思是偶尔,有时候。和now and then的意思相同,但更加正式一些。:I only see my old classmates occasionally at reunions.

2. From time to time:意思是不时地,偶尔。和now and then的意思相同,但更加口语化一些。:From time to time, he would remember the good times they had together.

3. Once in a while:意思是偶尔,有时候。和now and then的意思相同,但更加口语化一些。:Once in a while, she would look up from her book and stare out the window.


now and then是一个表示频率不高的短语,可以用来表示某件事情发生的不确定性或者偶尔发生的频率。它常见于日常交流和文学作品中,可以用来描述人们的行为、感情或者想法。除了以上提到的同义词外,也可以使用sometimes、infrequently等词来替换使用。在写作中使用这个短语可以使句子更加生动有趣,并且能够准确表达出某件事情发生的频率不高。


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