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monarch是什么意思? monarch翻译(中文文):君主 hellip



monarch是什么意思? monarch翻译(中文文):君主 hellip


1. The monarch of this country has been in power for over 50 years. 这个的君主已经了50多年。

2. The monarch's portrait was hung in every government building. 君主的肖像被挂在每个建筑物中。

3. The country's economy suffered under the rule of a tyrannical monarch. 在一个暴虐的君主下,这个的经济遭受了损失。

4. The monarch was known for his extravagant lifestyle and lavish spending. 这位君主以奢华的生活方式和挥霍无度而闻名。

5. The people rejoiced when the new monarch was crowned, hoping for a better future under his reign. 当新的君主加冕时,人民欢呼雀跃,希望在他的下有一个更美好的未来。


1. Sovereign: 同样指最高者,可以用作名词和形容词。:The sovereign of this kingdom is known for his wise leadership.

2. Ruler: 可以指任何形式的者,包括君主、等。:The ruler of this country is facing widespread protests.

3. King/Queen: 分别指的男性和女性君主。:The queen inherited the throne after her father's death.

4. Emperor/Empress: 分别指大帝和女皇,通常用来指古代的者。:The emperor ruled over a vast empire.

5. Leader: 指任何形式的,可以用来指、商业或社会。:The leader of the opposition party gave a powerful speech.




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