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monarchy什么意思? monarchy翻译(中文文):君主政体, 君


1. Monarchy (n.) /ˈmɑnərki/ - a form of government in which a single person, usually a king or queen, holds supreme power over a country.

monarchy什么意思? monarchy翻译(中文文):君主政体, 君

2. In some countries, the monarchy is hereditary, meaning that the position is passed down through the royal family.

3. The word "monarchy" comes from the Greek words "monos" (meaning "single") and "arkhein" (meaning "to rule").

4. Example sentences:

- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.

- The ancient Egyptians were ruled by a monarchy for thousands of years.

- Many people argue that a monarchy is an outdated form of government.

- The king's power in this absolute monarchy is unchecked by any other governing body.

- After the revolution, the country abolished its monarchy and became a republic.


1. Sovereignty (n.) /ˈsɑvrənti/ - supreme power or authority; the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.

Example sentence: The sovereignty of this country has been threatened by foreign invasion.

2. Autocracy (n.) /ɔˈtɑkrəsi/ - a system of government in which one person has absolute power over others.

Example sentence: Under an autocracy, citizens have no say in how their country is governed.

3. Despotism (n.) /ˈdɛspətɪzəm/ - the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.

Example sentence: The dictator's despotism led to widespread human rights abuses.

4. Dictatorship (n.) /ˈdɪkteɪtərʃɪp/ - a form of government in which a ruler holds total power.

Example sentence: The country was under a dictatorship for over two decades before democracy was restored.

5. Absolute rule (n.) - complete and unrestricted control by one person or group.

Example sentence: The king's absolute rule led to widespread corruption and inequality in the country.


Monarchy is a form of government in which a single person, usually a king or queen, holds supreme power over a country. It is often hereditary and can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Monarchies can be absolute, where the ruler has unchecked power, or constitutional, where the monarch's powers are limited by a constitution. Synonyms for monarchy include sovereignty, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship, and absolute rule. While some argue that monarchies are outdated forms of government, others see them as symbols of tradition and stability.


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