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modify什么意思? modify翻译(中文文):更改, 修改, 修改



modify什么意思? modify翻译(中文文):更改, 修改, 修改


1. She had to modify her original plans due to unexpected circumstances. 她不得不因为意外情况而修改原来的计划。

2. The company is planning to modify its marketing strategy in order to attract more customers. 公司计划修改其营销策略以吸引更多的客户。

3. He modified his behavior after receiving feedback from his boss. 在收到老板的反馈后,他改变了自己的行为。

4. The teacher suggested that the student modify his essay to make it more clear and concise. 老师建议学生修改文章,使其更加清晰简洁。

5. The new regulations will require companies to modify their production processes to meet environmental standards. 新规定将要求企业修改生产流程以符合环境标准。


1. Alter - 意为“改变”,与modify类似,但更强调对某物或某人做出大幅度的改变。:The company decided to alter its policies in response to customer feedback.

2. Revise - 意为“修订”,主要指对书籍、文件等进行修改和更新。:The author had to revise his book several times before it was published.

3. Adapt - 意为“适应”,强调根据环境或情况做出相应的改变。:The company had to adapt its products to meet the needs of the international market.

4. Adjust - 意为“调整”,指对某物或某人进行微小的改变以使之更加合适。:The therapist helped her adjust her mindset and cope with stress.

5. Amend - 意为“修改,修正”,主要用于法律文件、协议等正式文件。:The contract was amended to include additional terms and conditions.



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