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mode什么意思? mode翻译(中文文):方式, 模式, 样式 hellip



例句:1. The mode of transportation in this city is mainly by bus and subway. (这个城市的交通方式主要是公交车和地铁。)

mode什么意思? mode翻译(中文文):方式, 模式, 样式 hellip

2. He switched the camera to manual mode to have more control over the settings. (他将相机切换到手动模式,以便更好地设置。)

3. The fashion industry is always changing, with new trends and modes emerging every season. (时尚界总是在变化,每个季节都会出现新的潮流和风格。)

4. The teacher used a different teaching mode to engage the students who were struggling to learn. (老师采用了不同的教学方式来吸引那些学习困难的学生。)

5. The computer can operate in both online and offline modes. (电脑可以在在线和离线模式下运行。)

同义词及用法:method, style, manner, way



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