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measurement什么意思? measurement翻译(中文文):测量法,



measurement什么意思? measurement翻译(中文文):测量法,

例句1:The measurement of time is an important aspect of physics. (时间的测量是物理学中重要的一部分。)

例句2:The measurement of the room's dimensions was necessary before buying new furniture. (在购买新家具之前,测量房间尺寸是必要的。)

例句3:The accuracy of the measurement depends on the precision of the instrument used. (测量的准确性取决于所使用仪器的精度。)

例句4:The measurement showed that the temperature had dropped significantly overnight. (测量显示,夜间气温显著下降。)

例句5:She took several measurements to ensure that the dress would fit perfectly. (她进行了几次测量,以确保裙子穿起来完美合身。)


1. Dimension: 名词,指物体的尺寸或大小。

例句:The dimensions of the room were too small for a king-sized bed. (房间尺寸太小,无法放置一张特大号床。)

2. Magnitude: 名词,指数量、大小或重要性。

例句:The magnitude of the earthquake was unprecedented in this region. (这次地震的规模在该地区是前所未有的。)

3. Scale: 名词,指测量或比较的标准或范围。

例句:The Richter scale is used to measure the intensity of earthquakes. (里氏震级用于测量地震的强度。)

4. Assessment: 名词,指对某物进行评估或估计。

例句:The assessment of the damage caused by the hurricane is still ongoing. (对飓风造成的损失的评估仍在进行中。)




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