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measure up是什么意思,measure up的解释


measure up是什么意思,measure up的解释

怎么读(音标):[ˈmɛʒər ʌp]

用法:measure up通常作为及物动词,表示达到某种标准或要求。也可以作为不及物动词,表示被评价或判断。


1. He needs to work harder if he wants to measure up to his boss's expectations. (如果他想达到老板的期望,他需要更加努力工作。)

2. The new employee's performance didn't measure up to the company's standards. (新员工的表现没有达到公司的标准。)

3. The product has been thoroughly tested to ensure it measures up to safety regulations. (该产品经过了全面测试,确保符合安全规定。)

4. I don't think this essay measures up to your usual high standard of writing. (我觉得这篇文章不符合你通常高水平的写作标准。)

5. She was disappointed when she found out that her skills didn't measure up to those of her colleagues. (当她自己的技能不如同事们时,她感到失望。)


1. Meet the requirements/standards: 满足要求/标准

The candidate must meet the requirements set by the company.

2. Fulfill expectations: 达到期望

The team worked hard to fulfill their coach's expectations.

3. Live up to: 符合,达到

The new product has to live up to the company's reputation.

4. Come up to: 达到,符合

I hope this project will come up to our client's expectations.

5. Match up to: 与...相匹配,符合

The quality of their products doesn't match up to their high prices.


measure up是一个常用的短语动词,意为“达到标准,符合要求”。它可以作为及物动词,表示达到某种标准或要求;也可以作为不及物动词,表示被评价或判断。同义词包括meet the requirements/standards, fulfill expectations, live up to, come up to和match up to。当我们想表达某人或某物是否符合标准时,可以使用measure up这一短语。


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