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masturbation是什么意思? masturbation翻译(中文文):手


masturbation是什么意思? masturbation翻译(中文文):手


例句1:Masturbation is a natural and healthy way to explore one's own sexuality.


例句2:Many people feel guilty or ashamed about masturbation, but it is a normal and common behavior.


例句3:Some people use masturbation as a way to relieve stress or tension.


例句4:It is important to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy masturbation habits.


例句5:Masturbation can also be a form of sexual expression in relationships, as long as both partners are comfortable with it.


同义词及用法:自慰(zì wèi)、手淫(shǒu yín)、手交(shǒu jiāo)



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