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manic什么意思? manic翻译(中文文):狂躁的, 噪狂者 hellip

一:manic什么意思? manic翻译(中文文):狂躁的, 噪狂者 hellip 的意思是指情绪异常激动或兴奋的状态,也可以指行为异常冲动或错乱的状态。

manic什么意思? manic翻译(中文文):狂躁的, 噪狂者 hellip




1. She was in a manic state after winning the lottery. (她中了后处于狂躁状态。)

2. His manic laughter scared everyone in the room. (他的疯狂笑声吓坏了房间里的每个人。)

3. The patient's manic episode lasted for three days before he was finally calmed down with medication. (患者的狂躁发作持续了三天,最后通过药物才得以平静。)

4. The manic driver caused a serious car accident on the highway. (那个错乱的司机在高速公路上造成了一起严重的车祸。)

5. Her speech was rapid and disjointed, a clear sign of her manic state. (她说话语速飞快、语无伦次,这明显是她处于狂躁状态的表现。)

五:同义词及用法:manic的同义词包括:frantic, frenzied, wild, hysterical。它们都可以用来形容情绪或行为异常激动或疯狂的状态。:

1. The children were in a frantic state after eating too much candy. (孩子们吃了太多糖果后变得疯狂起来。)

2. The protesters became frenzied as they clashed with the police. (者与发生后变得狂乱起来。)

3. The wild party lasted all night and left a huge mess for the s to clean up the next day. (那场疯狂的派对持续了整晚,第二天留下了巨大的混乱给主人清理。)

4. She went hysterical when she saw the spider crawling on her arm. (当她看到蜘蛛爬上她的手臂时,她变得歇斯底里起来。)



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