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maintain什么意思? maintain翻译(中文文):维持, 维修,




1. She has been working hard to maintain her good grades. 她一直努力保持她的好成绩。

maintain什么意思? maintain翻译(中文文):维持, 维修,

2. The company has to maintain a high level of productivity in order to stay competitive. 公司必须保持高水平的生产力才能保持竞争力。

3. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent diseases. 保持健康的生活方式是预防疾病的重要手段。

4. The old man maintains his garden every day, even though he is getting older. 老人每天都会维护自己的花园,尽管他年纪越来越大。

5. The government needs to maintain law and order in the country. 需要维护的法律和秩序。


1. Sustain: 持续,支撑。常用于指维持某种状态或情况。:We need to sustain our efforts in order to achieve success.

2. Preserve: 保护,保存。常用于指保持某种物质或文化遗产的原始状态。:We should preserve our natural resources for future generations.

3. Repair: 修复,修补。常用于指修复损坏的物品或设备。:The mechanic is working hard to repair the car.

4. Upkeep: 维护,保养。常用于指对物品或设备的日常维护工作。:The upkeep of this old building is very expensive.

5. Sustain: 支持,维持。常用于指支持某种理念或观点。:We should sustain our belief in the power of love.




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