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ldquo 繁星满天 rdquo 文翻译


读音:fán xīng mǎn tiān



1. 夜晚的天空,繁星满天,美得让人心醉。

ldquo 繁星满天 rdquo 文翻译

The night sky is filled with stars, it's so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

2. 在乡村小路上散步,远处的山上也繁星满天。

Walking on the country road, the distant mountains are also full of stars.

3. 昨晚我们露营在沙漠中,夜晚的沙漠也是繁星满天。

Last night we camped in the desert, and the desert was also full of stars at night.

4. 今晚我们一起去看电影吧,电影院外面有一个花园,晚上可以看到繁星满天。

Let's go watch a movie tonight, there's a garden outside the cinema where you can see the stars.

5. 童年时候我最喜欢做的事情就是躺在草地上仰望夜空中繁星满天。

When I was a child, my favorite thing to do was lying on the grass and looking up at the night sky full of stars.


1. 繁星闪耀:形容夜空中星光灿烂,与繁星满天意思相同,可以互换使用。

2. 繁星点点:指夜空中散落的星星,也可以形容夜空中的星光。

3. 星光灿烂:指夜空中闪耀的星光,与繁星满天意思相同,可以互换使用。

4. 满天星斗:指夜空中到处都是闪耀的星星,与繁星满天意思相同,可以互换使用。




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