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ldquo 导电 rdquo 文翻译

1. 导电 (dǎo diàn)

2. 用法:动词

ldquo 导电 rdquo 文翻译

3. 意思:指物质具有导电性,可以传导电流。

4. 例句:

1. 这种材料具有很强的导电性能,可以用来制作电路板。

This material has strong conductivity and can be used to make circuit boards.

2. 金属是一种优良的导电材料,被广泛应用于各种电子设备中。

Metals are excellent conductive materials and are widely used in various electronic devices.

3. 导线的作用是将电能从发电厂输送到各个家庭,因此需要具备良好的导电性能。

The function of wires is to transmit electric energy from power plants to households, so they need to have good conductivity.

4. 铜是一种常见的金属材料,具有优异的导电性能,在制造电器和通信设备时得到广泛应用。

Copper is a common metal material with excellent conductivity and is widely used in the production of electrical appliances and communication equipment.

5. 这款手机采用了高品质的金属材料,不仅外观精美耐用,而且具有出色的导电性能。

This mobile phone uses high-quality metal materials, which not only has a beautiful and durable appearance, but also has excellent conductivity.

5. 同义词及用法:

- 导通 (dǎo tōng):指电流能够顺利通过物质,具有导电性。


- 导热 (dǎo rè):指物质具有传导热量的能力。


- 导体 (dǎo tǐ):指具有良好导电性能的物质。


6. 编辑总结:



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