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ldquo 可笑 rdquo 文翻译


怎么读(音标):kě xiào


ldquo 可笑 rdquo 文翻译


1. 这个小丑的表演实在是太可笑了,让我笑得肚子疼。

This clown's performance is really hilarious, it made me laugh until my stomach hurt.

2. 我们当时的想法真是太可笑了,现在回想起来都觉得好笑。

Our thoughts at that time were so ridiculous, now looking back, it's just funny.

3. 他的服装搭配实在是太可笑了,简直就像个小丑一样。

His outfit is just too funny, he looks like a clown.

4. 这部电影虽然是一部喜剧,但并不只是单纯的可笑,它也有深刻的寓意。

Although this movie is a comedy, it's not just about being funny, it also has a profound meaning.

5. 她总是喜欢做些奇怪的事情,让人感觉很可笑。

She always likes to do strange things that make people feel ridiculous.


编辑总结:ldquo 可笑 rdquo 是一个常用于形容令人发笑、滑稽可爱的词语,可以用作形容词或副词。在写作中,可以通过丰富的同义词来增加句子的表现力,同时也要注意使用场景和语气,避免过度使用而造成冷场。


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