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kick什么意思? kick翻译(中文文):踢, 踢 hellip


kick什么意思? kick翻译(中文文):踢, 踢 hellip



1. He kicked the ball into the goal. (他把球踢进了球门。)

2. She kicked the door in frustration. (她失望地踢开了门。)

3. The horse kicked its hind legs in excitement. (马兴奋地后腿踢起来。)

4. He gave the bully a swift kick in the shins. (他猛踢了欺负人的人的小腿。)

5. The company decided to give their marketing strategy a kick by partnering with a popular influencer. (公司决定通过与知名影响者合作,给他们的营销策略注入新活力。)

同义词及用法:boot, punt, strike, hit, propel

boot: 通常指用力或猛力地踢,也可指启动某物。

例句:He booted the ball across the field.

punt: 指用手掌或拳头击打,也可指轻轻推动某物。

例句:She punted the ball over to her teammate.

strike: 通常指用手、拳头或武器打击,也可指突然袭击。

例句:The boxer struck his opponent with a powerful punch.

hit: 指用手、拳头或物体打击,也可指碰撞。

例句:The batter hit the ball out of the park.

propel: 指用力推动某物前进。

例句:The strong winds propelled the boat forward.



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