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1. Konjunktiv II (subjunctive II)。

The Konjunktiv II is used to express wishes,hypothetical situations,or polite requests. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb \\\\\" wurden\\\\\" and the infinitive form of the main verb.。


Ich wurde gerne nach Berlin reisen. (I would like to travel to Berlin.)。

2. Modal verbs (Modale Verben)。

Modal verbs are used to express ability, possibility,permission,or necessity. The most common modal verbs in German are k?nnen (can), mussen (must), durfen (may), sollen (should), and wollen (want)。


Ich kann Deutsch sprechen. (I can speak German.)。

3. Reflexive verbs (Reflexive Verben)。

Reflexive verbs are verbs that require a Reflexive pronoun,which refers back to the subject of thesentence. the reflexive pronoun is always in the accusative case.。


Ich wasche mich. (I wash myself)。

4. Prepositions (Pr?positionen)。

Prepositions are used to indicate the relationship between two nouns or between a noun and anotherelement in thesentence. Some common prepositions in German are in, auf, an, vor, hinter, neben,uber、unter和zwischen。


Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch (The book is on The table)。

5. Adjective endings (Adjektivendungen)。

Adjective endings change depending on the case, gender,and number of the noun they describe. In general,the endings are -e for feminine nouns,-er for masculine and neuter nouns in the nominative and accusative cases,and -en for all nouns in是the dative and genitive cases。


Der rote Ball ist gr??er als der blaue. (The red ball is bigger than The blue one.)\\\"


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