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It is that是什么意思? It is that翻译(中文文):是这样,

It is that是什么意思? It is that翻译(中文文):是这样,是一种常见的英语表达,它的意思是“就是那样”、“就是这个”、“那就是它”等。它可以用来强调某件事情或者某个概念,也可以用来回答一些问题。

It is that是什么意思? It is that翻译(中文文):是这样,

怎么读(音标):[ɪt ɪz ðæt]

用法:It is that通常用在句子的开头或者结尾,作为一个独立的短语。它可以用来指代前面提到的事情或者概念,也可以用来强调某件事情。:

1. I want to go to the beach this weekend, and it is that I will do.(我想要这个周末去海滩,就是这样我会做的。)

2. He said he would help me with my project, and it is that he did.(他说他会帮助我完成我的项目,就是那样他做了。)

3. A: Is this the book you were looking for? B: Yes, it is that one.(A:这本书就是你在找的吗?B:对,就是这本。)


1. It is that time of the year again when we celebrate Christmas with our family and friends.(又到了一年一度与家人和朋友一起庆祝圣诞节的时候了。)

2. The teacher asked the students to read the article and it is that they should summarize it in their own words.(老师要求学生们阅读这篇文章,就是这样他们要用自己的话总结出来。)

3. A: What do you want for dinner? B: It is that I am craving some pizza.(A:你想吃什么晚餐?B:我想吃披萨。)

4. The company has been facing financial difficulties, and it is that they need to come up with a new strategy to survive.(公司一直面临着财务困难,就是这样他们需要想出一个新的策略来生存。)

5. A: Who is going to pick up the kids from school today? B: It is that I will do it since you have a meeting.(A:今天谁去接孩子放学?B:我会去,因为你有个。)


1. That's it

意思和用法与It is that相同,表示“就是那样”、“就是这个”等。

2. That's all

意思和用法与It is that相同,也可以表示“仅此而已”。

3. That's correct

意思和用法与It is that相同,表示“就是正确的”。

4. Exactly

意思和用法与It is that相似,也可以表示“确切地说”、“完全正确”等。


It is that是一种常用的英语表达,它可以用来强调某件事情或者概念,也可以用来回答一些问题。它的意思和用法都比较简单明了,但是在实际使用中需要注意语境,避免使用不当。另外,同义词也可以作为替换词来使用,从而丰富表达方式。总的来说,掌握好这个短语的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的想法和意图。


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