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invalidate是什么意思? invalidate翻译(中文文):使无效



invalidate是什么意思? invalidate翻译(中文文):使无效

例句1:The court ruled that the evidence presented by the defense was insufficient to invalidate the prosecution's case. (裁定,辩护方提出的证据不足以使方的案件失效。)

例句2:The new regulations could potentially invalidate all existing contracts. (新规定可能会使所有现有合同失效。)

例句3:The scientist's findings have been invalidated by recent research. (最近的研究结果使这位科学家的失效。)

例句4:The company's failure to meet safety standards could invalidate their insurance policy. (公司未能达到安全标准可能会使他们的保险单失效。)

例句5:Her argument was quickly invalidated by her opponent's counterpoints. (她的论点很快被对手的反驳所否定。)


- The contract was nullified due to a breach of agreement. (由于违反协议,合同被取消。)

- The warranty is void if the product is used improperly. (如果产品被不当使用,保修将无效。)

- The marriage was annulled after it was discovered that one party had lied about their identity. (在一方曾经谎称自己的身份后,这段婚姻被宣告无效。)



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